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How to Connect Windows 10 Devices to SVA’s WiFi

Modified on: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 3:52 PM

Before you start:

You'll need an internet connection to install the certificate (can be done anywhere!). If you're on campus for the first time, use your phone's hotspot, alternatively, get Guest Wi-Fi credentials (use your phone or another device to request them).

Once you're online:

Follow the instructions to complete the certificate installation process.

Device Requirements:

Your device must support 5GHz Wi-Fi (802.11a/n or 802.11a/n/ac).

1. From your wireless device, open up a web browser and navigate to

2. You will be greeted by the below page. Click the “Join Now” button.

3. The process to download the configuration utility, will begin.

4. Either initiate the installation of the configuration utility from within the browser after successful download (as shown below), or navigate to where the installer file downloaded to, and double-click it to begin the installation (NOTE: if you receive any security warnings about allowing the Secure W2 App to run or make changes, click “Yes”, “Allow”, or any similar acknowledgment).

5. The configuration utility shown below, will appear. Click “Next”.

6.  You will then be taken to the myID sign-in page. Please fill in your myID credentials and click “Sign In”.

7. Continue with the authentication process. (NOTE: The method of secondary authentication that you have set up for yourself may vary from the one shown below).

8.  After the authentication process, you should see the screen below, indicating that you have successfully configured your computer to join the “SVA Secure WiFi” SSID.

9.  Next, navigate to the list of available wireless networks. If it isn’t already connected to it, locate the SSID “SVA Secure WiFi”, and select it (NOTE: If you are preparing your device to connect to SVA’s secure wireless network when you are off-campus, you will not see the “SVA Secure WiFi” SSID. In this instance, you will need to complete these final steps when on campus).

10.  Click on the properties link of the SVA Secure WiFi SSID. Once in the properties of the SVA Secure WiFi SSID, confirm that “Connect automatically when in range” is selected.

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