A step-by-step guide to logging into classroom computers.
1) To login to your classroom computer, please enter your SVA username and SVA password into the login screen.
2) You will be asked to verify your login through one of the factors you set up during your initial sign-in to myid.sva.edu.
If you are looking for your virtual classroom, sign-in to
myid.sva.edu and look for the Canvas app.
Please note:
If you have previously logged into the classroom laptop and are having issues it could be that you had previously logged into this computer with a different password. The sync process will display an error that you need to enter your previous password. If you do not recall the last password a Technician will need to help you either remotely or physically. Please enter a ticket with the IT helpdesk at helpdesk@sva.edu M-F 9-5pm Please supply us with the building, room number, and laptop tag number.